Kuwait Overview
Since ancient times, the State of Kuwait has served as the gateway to the Middle East because of its geographical location. Within a few decades, after the discovery of oil, a nation of fishermen, pearl divers and traders has transformed into a modern and developed nation offering state-of-the-art amenities, secure infrastructural facilities and technical excellence.
The Kuwaitis' pride in their history, heritage and national progress has given rise to an identity, which is uniquely Kuwait. According to the last census, the population is about 2.3 million.
Geographical Location
Kuwait lies at the northwest corner of the Arabian Gulf, between 28° and 30° latitudes and between 46° and 48° longitudes. To the north and the west, it shares a border of 240 km (149 miles ) with the Republic of Iraq, and to the south and southwest it shares 250 km (155 miles) with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. On the east it has a coastline of 290 km (181 miles ) on the Arabian Gulf . The total area of the State of Kuwait is 17.818 sq. km (6.879.6 sq. mile) .
Due to the location of Kuwait in an arid geographical region, the weather of the country is characterized by long, hot and dry summers and short, cool and sometimes rainy winters. Winter extends from December to February, with a temperature range of 8° -20°C (47-68°F).
Monetary Unit
Kuwaiti Dinar (KD) is the official currency, the Kuwaiti Dinar is equal to about 3.5 U.S. dollars.
- Islam is the official religion of the country .
- The official language of Kuwait is Arabic and the second language, in common use, English .
- Friday is the official day of rest .
- Kuwait's local time is three hours ahead of Greenwich ,mean Time (GM +3) .
- The electric current is 240 Volts (60Hz) .
(For more information , please see website : www.e.gov.kw)